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Example for Big Clubs? FC Lviv Lets Public Vote for New Logo

FC Lviv, a Ukrainian club that plays in the country's first division, has recently announced a revolutionary way of choosing the club's most important asset: everybody has the possibility to vote for one out of 63 options, including the club's current logo. It is an unprecedented move that gives the public a lot of decision-making power.

FC Lviv's Public Rebranding Process

The new FC Lviv logo will be one of 63 options that vary heavily. There are all sorts of shields as well as very modern takes on the club's identity that resemble a corporate identity such as the very simplified 'LV' logo option number 12. However, most of the logos share a few similarities such as the club's name and a lion's head even though the execution differs on a case-by-case basis.

Voting for the new FC Lviv logo is very simple. First, everybody with an email address and internet connection is eligible to participate, further commitments like a club membership or season ticket are not required. Secondly, you simply have to choose one of the preselected options and submit your answer. We expect the club to officially announce the results within the coming months.

Current FC Lviv logo

What do you think of this way to decide upon a new logo and eventually the club's identity? Do you like the preselected logos? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below, and make sure to vote for the club's new logo here.