Better? Rejected Liverpool 17-18 & 18-19 Home Kits Leaked

Besides showing us the proposed 2020-21 New Balance Liverpool jerseys and the rejected 18-19 third kit, @KB2X also sent us two rejected home shirts: 2017-18 and 2018-19. Let's first take a look at the former.

Rejected Liverpool 17-18 Home Kit

This picture shows the alternative Liverpool 2017-2018 home shirt, which was rejected before going into production.

The shirt is very similar to what ended up being released by New Balance in 2017. The only difference is that the pinstripes on the front are white and therefore stand out much more in the design.

This makes it an overall more interesting and better looking shirt in our opinion.

Rejected Liverpool 18-19 Home Kit

Check out the rejected 2018-2019 home jersey below.

In a very similar case, the rejected 2018-19 home shirt sees the panels under the arms and the front part of the collar appear in a lighter shade of red.

In this case we believe NB and Liverpool took the correct decision.

What's your verdict for these two alternative Liverpool home shirt by New Balance? Drop us a line below.