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Fulham 19-20 Home, Away and Goalkeeper Kits Revealed

The new Fulham home, away and goalkeeper kits were just unveiled and made available for pre-order by the relegated club, and will be fully released on July 4th. They are made by Adidas and feature Dafabet as main sponsor.

Fulham 19-20 Home Jersey

Check out the Fulham 2019-20 home shirt below.

A bespoke look, Fulham's new 19-20 home jersey is preodminantly white with a simple crew-neck collar.

A very subtle rendition of the iconic Holland 1988 pattern, which was also used on recent Scotland and LAFC shirts by Adidas, covers the front of Fulham FC's new 2019-2020 home jersey.

Black and red trim is present in the form of the lateral 3 Stripes and a bit of trim around the back neck of the new Fulham FC 19-20 home jersey, respectively.

The shorts of the new Fulham FC 19-20 home uniform are black, while the socks are white.

Fulham Adidas 2019-2020 Away Jersey

This is the Fulham FC 2019-20 away shirt, made by Adidas.

Based on the Striped 19 template, Fulham's 2019-20 away shirt is red with black stripes, while the 3 Stripes on the shoulders are white.

The shorts of the new Fulham 2019-20 away uniform are white, while the socks are red.

Adidas Fulham 19-20 Goalkeeper Jerseys

Do you like the new Fulham home, away and goalkeeper jerseys made by Adidas? Drop us a line below.