Have We Seen Enough Blackout Kits?
- Blackout Kit Popularity: Blackout kits, popularized by Borussia Dortmund in 2020, remain prevalent due to their commercial appeal and fashion versatility.
- Loss of Identity: The widespread adoption of generic blackout kits sacrifices club identity by abandoning traditional colors and visual heritage.
- Potential Solutions: Clubs should explore creative interpretations of blackout kits that incorporate elements of club identity, as seen in examples like AC Horsens and Barcelona.
Atlético Mineiro and AIK have jumped again on the blackout kit bandwagon, raising the question: has the football world reached peak blackout saturation? Big thanks to Soccer Jersey News (@soccerjerseynws) for the initial idea for this article.
Ubiquitous Black
When Borussia Dortmund released their hugely successful blackout kit in early 2020, they triggered a trend that shows little sign of abating. Nearly six years later, we continue to see a steady stream of all-black designs flooding the market. BVB's effort set the gold standard, quickly selling out 60,000 units and establishing a blueprint that dozens of clubs have since followed.
Blackout football shirts have become virtually indistinguishable from one another
But let's be honest - they've become virtually indistinguishable from one another. Beyond the different club crests and manufacturer logos, most blackout kits follow the exact same formula: black fabric, black details, black logos, and black sponsors. The result? A sea of sameness across clubs and leagues.
Atlético Mineiro's new blackout kit continues the trend
Commercial Appeal vs. Club Identity
It's not difficult to understand why blackout kits have become so prevalent. From a fashion perspective, they're incredibly versatile - easy to pair with virtually any outfit, making them appealing beyond match days. The continued commercial success of these kits (Dortmund's anniversary kit sold out "in moments") speaks to their popularity among supporters.
the commercial appeal comes at the cost of club identity
However, this commercial appeal comes at the cost of club identity. When a team abandons its traditional colors for an all-black design, it sacrifices something fundamental about its visual heritage. Ipswich Town, Sparta Rotterdam, Hull City, and now Atlético Mineiro - the list of clubs diluting their visual identity with generic blackout kits continues to grow.
Finding Balance
If blackout kits are here to stay, perhaps clubs should consider a middle ground. Denmark's AC Horsens showed one potential path forward by incorporating colored elements around the edges of their logos, retaining a touch of club identity while maintaining the sleek blackout aesthetic. Barcelona opted for a similar approach with its 24-25 away kit.
Without such distinguishing elements, blackout kits become simply generic black shirts with interchangeable logos - products divorced from club heritage and history.
The Historical Context

It's worth noting that Adidas actually preceded the current trend, releasing a retro-inspired Manchester United blackout kit in 2018, roughly 18 months before Dortmund's version ignited the full-blown craze. While we're seeing slightly fewer blackout releases than the peak two years ago, they remain a steady fixture in kit launches across the globe.
As Lorenzo Bottini from NSS Sports put it, these jerseys can be "worn both on the pitch and at La Scala's premiere," highlighting their versatility and broader appeal compared to traditional club colors.
Where Do We Go From Here?
Fans have already started to tackle clubs who deny the club colors, e.g. for one-colored crest
The blackout trend appears firmly entrenched in football fashion, but perhaps manufacturers further need to push the boundaries of the concept. Rather than releasing carbon copies of what's come before, could we see more creative interpretations that maintain the sleek black base while incorporating genuine elements of club identity?
What's your take on blackout kits? Creative fashion statement or overdone trend? Let us know in the comments below.