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Should Other Clubs Return to Previous Versions of Their Logos?

  • Fan Discontent with Minimalist Logos: Many football fans dislike minimalist logo redesigns due to a perceived disconnect from tradition and emotional attachment to the original crests.
  • Teams Reverting to Traditional Crests: Ajax Amsterdam and Atlético Madrid have returned to their older, more traditional logos after fan dissatisfaction with minimalist versions.
  • Negative Impact of Minimalist Rebrands: Research suggests minimalist logos may hurt brand recognition and emotional connection, and the trend of recoloring logos has also drawn the ire of many fans.

Minimalism has swept through logo design across industries, including football, where many clubs have overhauled their crests to fit a sleeker, digital-first aesthetic. Many football fans did not like the fact that their teams were disconnected from tradition - now, it seems, the era of minimalist designs is over. Big thanks to graphic artist @EmilioSansolini for some of the images and the heads-up for this article.

Bayern Munich's logo throughout the years

Football crests are not just logos like those of an ordinary company. Fans often develop a strong emotional attachment to these motifs, which become part of the club structure. Changing the club crest is, therefore, one of the most important decisions for a football team as a whole, probably just exceeded by the team's colors and name.

Minimalist New Logos - A Trend in Reverse?'

Image via @EmilioSansolini.

Ajax Amsterdam and Atlético Madrid have reverted to their traditional crests following years of fan dissatisfaction with modernized versions. It was well-accepted by many, especially by their fans.

  • Ajax: After 34 years with a minimalist design, the club reintroduced its classic crest to mark its 125th anniversary. According to Managing Director Menno Geelen, this decision was driven by long-standing fan demand
  • Atlético Madrid: The club held a fan vote, and the overwhelming majority supported returning to the previous emblem.

Other Clubs to Follow Suit?

There are several teams whose fans want their teams to bring back old logos. The most popular one is surely Juventus, who switched to a minimalist J in 2017. Fans of many other teams like Bayern, Inter, and Liverpool (who made its Liverbird the main logo for kits and digital) want old logos back, but the desire for the old logo is not bigger for any team than Juventus.

It is easy to understand why fans want the old logos back, especially in the case of Juventus - the J crest has nothing in common with the club's old crests.

Research Suggests That Minimalist Logos "Destroy" Brands

Companies like Intel became much less recognizable after their rebrands.

Indeed, new research highlights a potential downside of "debranding." By stripping logos of their unique, recognizable elements, brands risk losing the emotional connection and distinctiveness that set them apart. This trend, while practical, might inadvertently turn memorable brands into indistinguishable "blands," raising questions about the cost of simplicity in design.

For example, the famous brand Burberry brought back the knight from its previous logo design in 2023, leaving minimalism behind for identity. It is similar to the move made by Ajax 18 months later.

The Hatred of Recolored Logos

Another trend that has become more and more unpopular with die-hard supporters is the recoloring of the club's badge. Monochrome badges are the most hated element of kits for many fans currently. The desire to stop the recoloring ultimately resulted in new kit rules for Benfica that prevent badge recoloring, which other fans might inspire to implement similar rules.

Footy Headlines has no information on whether other popular teams plan to bring back their old logos. However, it seems probable that Ajax won't be the last.

Should other teams follow suit and return to old logos? Let us know in the comments below.