Stunners: Boreale 25-26 Kits
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Villarreal Forced to Wear Training Kit vs Borussia Dortmund

  • Kit Arrival Delay: Villarreal's away kits failed to arrive due to a shipping issue, forcing them into an alternate plan.
  • Improvised Solution: The team resorted to using training jerseys with numbers printed on them to play against Dortmund.
  • Coach Training Kit: The training shirt actually used in the game was the coach variant, not the usual player variant.

In a surprising turn of events, Villarreal found themselves in an unusual predicament in its friendly match against Dortmund yesterday. Thanks to kit experts Chuyện Áo Đấu for making us aware of the story.

Villarreal's Kit Mishap: Training Jerseys on the Pitch

The Spanish team planned to wear its away kits, due to the obvious clash of Villarreal's yellow home jerseys with BVB's yellow home kits. However, a "shipping issue" prevented the away kits from arriving on time.

A "shipping issue" prevented the away kits from arriving on time

Faced with this dilemma, Villarreal quickly improvised by printing numbers on its training jerseys for the players to wear on the pitch. This quick thinking allowed them to avoid both a kit clash and the embarrassment of playing without proper uniforms.

Villarreal 24-25 Training Coach Shirt

Oddly, the Villarreal training shirt worn against Dortmund is officially the coach variant. The usual player variant is white, providing no good contrast to the yellow BVB.

Villarreal 24-25 Home, Away & Third Kits

Funnily spoken, only two players took to the field yesterday: the team's goalkeeper and a player named Joma, humorously referencing the brand of the training jerseys.

Have you heard of any other teams experiencing kit mishaps in the 24-25 pre-season? Share your stories in the comments below.