Toni Kroos Tribute Kit Competition

  • Competition Purpose: A competition is being held to design a tribute kit honoring Toni Kroos's football career.
  • Design Parameters: Participants must design a kit respecting certain rules (e.g. limited branding) while keeping in mind Kroos' preference for white kits and dislikes of polo collars.
  • Submission Details: Designs can be submitted on FIFA Kit Creator Showcase by July 28th, 4 PM Berlin time.

As the football world prepares to bid farewell to one of its greatest midfield maestros, Toni Kroos, we, in cooperation with FIFA Kit Creator, invite you to participate in a special competition to honor his incredible career.

Enter Now: Toni Kroos Tribute Kit Competition

Design the Ultimate Toni Kroos Tribute Kit: Enter Now - Unofficial Competition

For the Toni Kroos kit competition, you have to design a kit to honor Toni Kroos. The competition gives you a lot of freedom, even though there are, of course, some rules (e.g. Adidas or no branding, and only logos of his two clubs and the German national team).

However, some background info surely helps in designing a kit that Kroos would have liked. Toni Kroos has a favor for white football kits and boots and hates polo collars, so designing a bold yellow/pink with a large button collar surely is no good idea, for example.

The first designers have already submitted their designs, and we have selected nine of our favorites.

You can see all the rules on FIFA Kit Creator Showcase and submit your design by July 28, 4 PM Berlin time.

Enter Now: Toni Kroos Tribute Kit Competition

Would you like Adidas to release a Toni Kroos tribute kit? Do you like the designs featured here? Let us know in the comments below, and enter the Toni Kroos Tribute Kit Competition now.