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Chelsea Still Not Selling Kits With New Sleeve Sponsor

  • BingX Sponsorship: BingX became Chelsea's sleeve sponsor at the start of 2024.
  • No Retail Kits: Chelsea is not selling kits with the BingX logo in their online store.
  • Alternative Acquisition: To get a shirt with the BingX logo, fans must seek player-worn kits or apply the logo themselves.

Although BingX has been Chelsea's sleeve sponsor since the beginning of 2024, Chelsea has not sold kits with the BingX logo on the sleeves.

Chelsea Still Not Selling Kits With New Sleeve Sponsor

Currently, Chelsea's online store does not sell kits with the BingX logo on the sleeve.

Although it has appeared on the sleeves of Chelsea kits since January 2024, Chelsea have not sold shirts with the Bing X logo on the sleeve.

If you want a Chelsea shirt with the Bing X logo on the sleeve, you must try to get a hands-on player issue or match-worn kit after the game.

Or there is a simpler way: You can buy the Bing X logo on eBay and then print it on the Chelsea shirt yourself.

Are your surprised to see Nike not selling the Chelsea kit without new sleeve sponsor yet? Let us know in the comments below.