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Tribute to Salvador Dalí: Special Barcelona Concept Kit

To pay tribute to the late artist Salvador Dalí, @Tisan_Designs has created the Barcelona concept shirt with a striking Salvador Dali-esque design.

Salvador Dalí (1904 - 1989) was born in Figueres, Catalonia, Spain. He is considered one of the most influential painters of the 20th century with his surrealist style.

Special Barcelona 'Salvador Dalí' Concept Kit

The Barcelona 'Salvador Dalí' concept football jersey is filled with the Barcelona crest on the shirt with the Blaugrana signature red and blue colors.

Notably, the Barcelona crest on the shirt is designed in the 'melting' style of Salvador Dalí.

The Barcelona crest, sponsor and Swoosh logos are all in a striking gold color, with the Swoosh logo also featuring a 'melted' design.

The sleeve cuffs are in the characteristic yellow and red colors of Catalonia, another highlight that makes this shirt special.

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