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No More Joma - Adidas Levski Sofia 23-24 Home & Away Kits Released

The new Levski Sofia home and away jerseys were released last week. They are made by Adidas and will be worn in the 23-24 First Professional Football League.

Levski Sofia 23-24 Home Kit

This is the Levski Sofia 23-24 home football shirt, made by Adidas.

The Adidas Levski Sofia 2023-2024 jersey is royal blue with a black geometric pattern similar to that of the famous Netherlands 88 shirt on the torso. All logos are white.

The front of the shirt has a gradient effect and the blue becomes lighter towards the bottom. All logos are white, while the sleeves and back are solid blue.

Levski Sofia 23-24 Away Kit

Check out Adidas' Levski Sofia 2023-24 away jersey below.

The Adidas Levski Sofia 2023-24 away jersey shares the same design as the home jersey but with a black base colour.

Made by Adidas. What do you make of the Levski Sofia's home and away shirts? Comment below.