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Leaked via 23-24 Nike Liverpool Kits - "All-New" Expedia 2023 Logo

Expedia, the popular travel company, are set to launch a new logo in 2023. It can be seen on leaked images of the Liverpool 23-24 keeper home and player away kits.

Expedia remove the airplane

Expedia Extend Liverpool Deal Until 2027 - Announcement Picture With "Old" Logo

First and foremost, Liverpool just some days ago announced that they signed a new deal with Expedia until 2027, so Expedia continue on Liverpool's left sleeve. The new four-year contract is reported to be worth 18 million GBP/season.

In the announcement picture, the Liverpool 23-23 home kit with the soon-old Expedia logo could be seen.

No more airplane - Above is the new Expedia logo

Expedia 2023 Logo

The new Expedia 2023 logo comes without an airplane but just with an arrow that shows upwards. This is probably to showcase Expedia's approach to sustainability and Expedia's diverse travel offerings.

Interestingly, Expedia only launched a minor updated logo in 2021, making this a quick turnaround for another rebrand, and yet a bigger one. However, it's not uncommon for companies to update their branding to keep up with current market trends and customer preferences.

We expect the new Expedia logo to be officially launched soon. Currently, Expedia's website still features the old logo, and there have been no leaks or rumors about a new Expedia logo before the leaked images of the Liverpool kits.

Liverpool 2023-2024 Counterfeit Kits Have Old Expedia Logo

What is good to know about the new Expedia logo is that it unmasks fakes - new images of Liverpool's alleged 23-24 home kit are showing a counterfeit based on the leak.

Liverpool 23-24 Home Kit Prototype Without Sleeve Sponsor

Indeed, the early images of the Liverpool 23-24 home kit did have no sleeve sponsor - the new Expedia logo was added last minute.

What do you think of the new Expedia logo? Comment below.