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New Zealand Football Association Unveils New Logo

Yesterday, New Zealand's football association revealed a new institutional logo for all six member federations (Northern Region Football, WaiBop, Central Football, Capital Football, Mainland Football and Southern Football). Please note that this change does not affect New Zealand's national teams which will keep wearing the iconic fern leaf.

New Zealand Football 2022 Logo

Check out the New Zealand football association 2022 logo below.

The new New Zealand Football logo consists of two fern leaves aligned circularly along with the writing 'New Zealand Football'. The logo is completely black, and "symbolises both a football and the infinite connection created by all those that are involved in the game."

Andrew Pragnell, CEO of New Zealand Football, said the following: “The brand alignment is the aesthetic representation of a much bigger programme of work which is about reducing administrative duplication and cost across the football delivery system to bring more value to members.

“It is incumbent on all of us to be service-orientated, deliver high quality services to our members and ensure that we reduce duplication and all back office administrative costs where possible. In line with this, the brand transition itself is being managed so there is no additional cost to the system.

“I don’t think historically that NZF and member federations have always worked in an aligned fashion”

“I don’t think historically that NZF and member federations have always worked in an aligned fashion. That has changed and this brand alignment is the visual representation of that. Members should take heart from this, it is more significant than it may seem at first, and a part of the growing maturity of football in New Zealand”

What do you think of New Zealand's new football association logo? Drop us a line below.