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Incredible South Korea Concept Kit - Inspired by 1994 Shirt

Concept designer BRMT DESIGN (@brmtdesign) has created a modern take on South Korea's 1994 home shirt using FIFA Fit Creator.

1994 Inspired South Korea Concept Kit

At the 1994 World Cup, South Korea were kitted out by Rapido Sportswear, who gave them two good-looking designs. Both the white home and blue away shirts featured a brightly colored graphic made up of rectangular shapes.

Korea's 1994 home shirt.

The look was a little bit ahead of its time compared to the other kits at USA 94, and it's now been brought right into the present day by BRMT DESIGN on FIFA Kit Creator.

Taking the graphic pattern and applying it to a white Nike Dri-Fit ADV template, he has added the modern-day crest, black cuffs, and an underlying tonal graphic. The colored v-neck of the original makes way for a clean white finish around the neckline.

What do you make of this South Korea concept kit? Would it have made a good third shirt for Korea's World Cup collection? Comment below.