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Newcastle Jets 22-23 Home, Away & Third Kits Released

Newcastle Jets' new 2022-2023 home, away and third jerseys were released a couple of days ago. They are made by Legend Sportswear and will be worn in next season's A-League campaign.

Newcastle Jets 22-23 Home Kit

Check out Legend Sportswear's Newcastle Jets 2022-2023 home jersey below.

The Legend Sportswear Newcastle Jets 22-23 home jersey is gold with navy trim on the collar, cuffs and hem. A honeycomb pattern partially covers the shirt with gaps left in between the sections. A thin red line is part of each cuff, while all logos on the Legend Sportswear Newcastle Jets 2022-2023 home jersey are navy.

Newcastle Jets 22-23 Away Kit

Check out Legend Sportswear's Newcastle Jets 2022-2023 away football shirt below.

The Legend Sportswear Newcastle Jets 2022-23 away shirt is predominantly white with gold stripes on the bottom half that fade away as they reach the middle of the jersey.The round neck collar and cuffs are also gold.

Newcastle Jets 22-23 Third Kit

Check out Legend Sportswear's Newcastle Jets 2022-2023 third football shirt below.

The Legend Sportswear Newcastle Jets 2022-23 third jersey takes the honeycomb pattern from the home jersey and the fade effect from the away and combines them with a navy and blue colour scheme. Gold trim is once again present on the cuffs and collar of the Legend Sportswear Newcastle Jets 2022-2023 third shirt.

Made by Legend Sportswear. What do you make of the Newcastle Jets' home, away and third jerseys? Comment below.