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Leeds United 22-23 Home Kit Revealed

Leeds United's new 2022-23 home strip was just unveiled by the Premier League, although fans will have to wait until "late August" to get their hands on one.

Global online shopping platform Wish make their debut as a sponsor on the Leeds United 22-23 home kit, with their brand-new logo placed on the left sleeve.

Leeds United 22-23 Home Kit

This is the Leeds United 22-23 home jersey, made by Adidas.

Introducing a clean design, the Adidas Leeds 22-23 football shirt is predominantly white with a very faint pattern made up of the classic LUFC logo - this is in honor of the 50th anniversary of the 1972 FA Cup win.

Blue and yellow trim is present in the form of the collar and sleeve cuffs, which exactly match the respective colors used on the club logo and sponsor.

White shorts and socks complete the new Adidas Leeds 22-23 home strip.

The Leeds United 22-23 home uniform will be on sale in late August 2022.

Made by Adidas. What's your verdict on Leeds United FC's home jersey? Comment below.