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Fulham 22-23 Home, Away & Goalkeeper Shirts Released

The new Fulham 2022-23 home, away and goalkeeper shirts were released today. Made by Adidas, the new Fulham home, away and goalkeeper shirts will be worn in the Premier League.

Fulham 22-23 Home Kit
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Fulham 22-23 Home Kit

This is the Fulham FC 2022-2023 home shirt, made by Adidas.

As expected, the Adidas Fulham 2022-23 home shirt is mainly white, featuring black logos and Adidas branding. The most interesting aspect is the red, wavy graphic that appears on the sleeve cuffs and collar, representing the Thames River.

Adidas combines the Fulham 2022-23 home shirt with black shorts and white socks, the shorts featuring the same wavy, red graphic at the legs.

Fulham 22-23 Away Kit

Check out Adidas' Fulham FC 2022-23 away shirt below.

Based on the mi License 22 template, the Adidas Fulham FC 2022-23 away shirt comes in a color called 'Pulse Mint', combining it with navy. The Adidas stripes and even a monochrome Fulham crest appear in navy, as does the repeating rhombus-shaped gradient design on the front.

New sponsor W88's logo comes in silver, while mint shorts and socks round off the look of the new Fulham 2022-2023 away kit by Adidas.

Schalke and Granada received similar mint shirts through Adidas' customization service.

Fulham 22-23 GK Kits

These are the Fulham FC 2022-23 GK shirts, made by Adidas.

Fulham have three goalkeeper shirts for the 2022-23 season, in red, blue and yellow. They are all based on the standard Condivo 22 GK template.

The Adidas Fulham FC 2022-2023 home, away and goalkeeper shirts retail at £70.00.

Fulham 22-23 Home Kit
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What's your opinion on Adidas' new home, away and goalkeeper shirts for Fulham? Comment below.