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All-New Georgia Logo + 2022 Kits Released

Update - June 6, 2022: We now have better images of the new Georgia 2022 jerseys, as Macron are now selling them online.

Original: The Georgian national football team start the new stage of the League of Nations with significant news. For the first time in the history of independent Georgian football, a unified brand platform was created for national teams.

There are now different logos for the national team and the institution

The new Georgia logo is set to be used for the national team only. It is the first exclusive logo for the national team. The logo of the institution, the Georgian Football Federation (GFF), remains the same.

All-New Georgia National Team Logo

The new Georgia national team logo is totally different from the old logo. It is inspired by the coat of arms of Georgia - St. George is a symbol of strength, hope, the fight against evil.

The historic symbol of the coat of arms has been transformed into a modern, simplified design.

"I am Georgia" is the brand's new slogan and verbal identity, which echoes a new ideology.

Levan Kobiashvili: “I think that the brand of the national team has reached the stage when a change was necessary. A change that would be adequate, modern, and also share the context and problems of our reality. "

Tata Matveeva (captain of the women's team): "Every athlete should think about how to develop themselves, how to be better every day and never be satisfied with the achievements and do the maximum of their capabilities. "Obviously, it requires a lot of willpower and constant work on ourselves."

Georgia 2022-2023 Macron Kits

Georgia also revealed the first short video (GIF) of their new home, away, and third jerseys. They are made for the first time by Macron, replacing Adidas.

Generic Adidas kits

Georgia 2022 Home Kit

Georgia 2022 Away Kit

Georgia 2022 Third Kit

The new Macron Georgia 2022-23 kits are the first-ever bespoke kits for the country. They were created "according to the visual identity, which reflects the new philosophy of the brand, reflects modern visual trends, strengthens the team as a brand, and offers fans a new solution in accordance with national symbols".

Alexander Iashvili (GFF Vice President): “Our problem has always been that we could not turn the individual success of the players into team success. We could not unite our strengths. I think behind every strong team there is a strong philosophy and ideology that should unite children’s football"

Do you like the new logo of the Georgia national soccer team? Comment below.