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Grimsby Town To Return To Old Crest After Fans Backlash

It's like walking on thin ice whenever it comes to changing a club's logo. Grimsby Town certainly learned the hard way.

Grimsby Town Forced To Use Old Logo Again Due To Angered Fans

Unlike what we've usually seen when a new logo is presented, Grimsby Town's redesigned crest was not altered too much compared to the old one.

The crest designer, Rich Lyons.

The designer, Rich Lyons, who is also a lifelong Grimsby fan, added a flag with the founding year to the trawler, used a bolder font and slightly thicker black outline around the crest. That was it, the new logo stays pretty much true to the original design.

However, it was met with backlash from the fans, not because of the design, though. It was more about the lack of communication from the club regarding the changes and that the fans were not involved.

Grimsby Town's Chairman Jason Stockwood (left)

In a series of Tweets, club Chairman Jason Stockwood said: "Dear GTFC, we messed up on the consultation & comms over the new crest & club brand guidelines.

"It has been months of work and subtlety updates the club for a more digital age but we hold our hands up that we got this wrong."

He added: "The whole board stand behind the brilliant work Rich Lyons has done and the reasons it needed doing.

"Apologies, we will start again tomorrow to explain fully and then will put the option to fans for a vote over the coming days."

The process will now restart and the fans can decide whether or not the crest will be changed.

What do you think of Grimsby Town reverting their logo change? Comment below.