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Arsenal Tula 21-22 Home & Away Kits Released

The new Arsenal Tula home and away jerseys were released several months ago. They are made by Adidas and are worn in the 21-22 Russian Premier League.

Arsenal Tula 21-22 Home Jersey

Check out Adidas' Arsenal Tula 2021-2022 home shirt below.

The Arsenal Tula home jersey was created using the Adidas miteam customization service (mi License 20 template). With the right in yellow and the left in red, the front consists of a half-half design. The sleeves and back are fully red, with the Adidas logo, shoulder stripes, collar and sleeve cuffs all coming in black.

Black shorts and socks round off the look of the Tula 21-22 home kit by Adidas.

Arsenal Tula 21-22 Away Shirt

Below is the Tula 2021-2022 away shirt.

Also created using the Adidas miteam customization service, the away jersey is mainly yellow. It features the "Camo" graphic option in a brighter shade of yellow than the rest of the shirt. The Adidas logo, shoulder stripes, collar and sleeve cuffs are all in black.

The shorts and socks for this kit are yellow with black details.

What do you think about Arsenal Tula's home and away jerseys? Comment below.