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Gillingham FC 21-22 Home & Away Kits Revealed

We have kit news from League One yesterday as Gillingham FC have launched their new Macron 2021-22 home and away kits yesterday.

Gillingham FC 2021-22 Home Kit

Check out Macron's Gillingham 2021-22 home football shirt below.

The Macron Gillingham 2021-22 shirt introduces a clean look in blue with two black stripes on the front and a white v-collar.

Macron combines the Gillingham 2021-22 home jersey with blue shorts and socks.

Macron Gillingham 2021-2022 Away Kit

This is the Gillingham FC 21-22 away football shirt, made by Macron.

Featuring the same template as the home, the Macron Gillingham FC 21-22 away jersey is red with black stripes and white details.

Red shorts and socks complete the new Macron Gillingham 21-22 away strip.

The designs for goalkeeping kit will be released at a later date.

Do you like Macron's new home and away shirts for Gillingham FC? Comment below.