Premier League Clubs Use Home Kit In Over 70% of Matches - EPL End Of Season Kit Report
Have you ever wondered how of teams are using their shirts and if kits some are especially successful? Football Kit Geek (@kit_geek) has made an impressive report of the shirts used on the 2020-21 Premier League season.

Kit_geek's End Of Season Kit Statistics
Here is a pie chart of the 2020-21 Premier League season's kit usage.
In general, of the 760 kits that were worn in 380 games, 71% are home, 13% are away and 11% are 3rd or 4th kit. These figures already included any variation. Premiere League teams have used a total of 109 different kit variations.
As for goalkeepers, 66 kits were used with five teams already debuted their 21-22 uniforms. Arsenal even had their goalkeeper wore away shirt.
Kit_geek also takes a look at how teams perform wearing different sets of kits. He ranks the clubs by the average points per game they gather with the home, away and 3rd/4th uniforms.
The crowned champions Manchester City dominate the home and 3rd/4th chart but lacks behind wearing the away kit, where Liverpool sit on top.
No team wore their home kits less than 20 games, while only two (West Brom and Sheffield United) played in their away shirts in the two-digit region.
Interestingly, Brighton never played with their 3rd and Wolves spent only one match with their away kit then never touched it again.
These are only the skimmed details of the report, check out the full version here. You can also visit kitgeek's Twitter page for more frequent updates.
Are you surprised by the results? Did you expect Brighton, Chelsea, and Spurs to be the teams that used the home kit most often? Do you like kit_geek's Premier League kit report? Comment below.