UEFA Champions League 2021 Logo Revealed
Update: UEFA did still not officially launch the updated UEFA Champions League logo. Of curse, it is being used for all 2021-22 UEFA Champions League media and on UEFA's website.
UEFA slightly updated the logo of the UEFA Champions League this year, we can reveal.
Old vs new
The new logo looks identical to the current logo at first glance
The original and now-iconic UEFA Champions League logo has been released in 1992, when the competition was introduced. It has been only slightly updated in the past 30 years, and the new 2021 logo is also only a small visual update.
2021 UEFA Champions League Logo
An update and not at all a revolution, the new 2021 UEFA Champions League Logo looks almost identical to the current logo. There are, however, some clear differences.
First, the ratio of the different elements has been changed. The 'League' part is bigger, the UEFA logo is bolder.
The font of the Champions League text has been also updated. This can be seen when looking closely at the 'R', for example.
The registered trademark symbol, ®, now is in the top right of the E and not below the logo.

The new 2021 branding for the UEFA Champions League uses a bit more purple but is very similar overall. Back in 2018, the UEFA Champions League brand for the 2018-21 circle introduced a vibrant new look with purple and turquoise, based on a concept called 'Highlighting moments that make the ultimate stage'.
We expect the new 2021 UEFA Champions League logo and branding to be used for the circles until 2024 when UEFA will make new important changes to its competitions.

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