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PSG 20-21 Champions League Font Revealed

PSG will make their 2020-21 Champions League debut tomorrow, and they will do so with a brand-new international font.

@lasource75006 has provided us with our first look at the new font, which will be used for the first time against Manchester United tomorrow.

PSG 20-21 Champions League Font

This picture shows the new Paris Saint-Germain 2020-2021 UEFA CL font on the home shirt.

The font is quite thin and features a single stripe along the center of the numerals, with the club crest placed at the very bottom of each.

A colored drop-shadow is applied to the numbers as well - it's red on the home and blue on the away.

The font is only available in-store at the moment and cannot be ordered through the official club store.

Do you like the design of the new PSG Champions League font? Drop us a line below, and check out the regular Ligue 1 font, also new this season, here.