There Won't Be A Manchester United 21-22 Kit With Chevrolet
Update: Since Manchester United officially announced the deal with TeamViewer as new shirt sponsor, there has been question when the deal will actually begin. Now we have found information that the deal with TeamViewer will start on July 1 2021.

TeamViewer To Be Manchester United "Shirt Partner From July 2021"
Man Utd originally extended the Chevrolet deal for 6 moths until December 31 2021 (announced on October 22 2020). The TeamViewer website says that TeamViewer "will be the official Manchester United shirt partner from July 2021", e.g. the first of July.
The fact that the deal begins in July 2021 means that there won't be a Manchester United 21-22 kit with a Chevrolet logo.
TeamViewer had to increase their marketing expenses by 35 million-euro ($42 million) in 2021
After announcing the deal with Manchester United, TeamViewer had a 35 million-euro ($42 million) increase in marketing expenses in 2021. The amount may only cover the part of the soccer season that falls into TeamViewer’s fiscal year, and so the annual rate is materially higher [reported to be £47m (€54.7m/$65m) per season].
Ocotber 22 2020: Manchester United To Be Sponsored By Chevrolet Until December 2021
Manchester United yesterday announced that Chevrolet will sponsor them until December 31 2021 - they have added another six months to their shirt sponsorship deal.

Manchester United To Be Sponsored By Chevrolet Until December 2021
The Manchester United Chevrolet deal is worth UK£64 million (US$83 million) a season. The deal was originally scheduled to end on June 30 2021.
Chevrolet will not pay any extra money
According to the Manchester Evening News, the extension practically means that General Motors (Chevrolet's parent company) will pay the original contract amount but with a free bonus six months on their deal, also as a "result of the impact of the pandemic on the company."
A statement in United's latest financial results said: 'In August 2020, due to the disruption caused by the pandemic, [Manchester United] entered into a variation agreement with General Motors (Chevrolet) to extend the maturity date of the original shirt sponsor agreement by a period of six months to 31st December 2021.
'There are no other significant changes to the sponsorship rights or total consideration, which will now be paid in sterling via instalments during the period to 30 June 2021.'
Man United are continuing to hold 'encouraging' talks with future sponsors
Manchester Evening News also reports that Man United are continuing to hold 'encouraging' talks with future sponsors.

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