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Reggina 1914 20-21 Home & Away Kits Released

We have kit news from Serie B today as Reggina have launched their new Macron 2020-21 home and away jerseys today.

Reggina are back in Serie B after winning the 2019-20 Serie C Group C.

Reggina 1914 Macron 2020-2021 Home Kit

Check out Macron's Reggina 1914 2020-21 home shirt below.

A bespoke design, the Macron Reggina 2020-2021 jersey is dark red with white logos and tirm, as well as a fading graphic on the lower part of the front.

Red shorts and socks complete the new Macron Reggina 1914 20-21 home uniform.

Reggina 1914 20-21 Away Jersey

This is the new Macron Reggina 1914 away jersey for 2020-2021.

The Macron Reggina 1914 2020-21 away football shirt is based on the same template as the home, albeit with swapped colors - predominantly white with dark red accents.

Macron combines the Reggina 1914 20-21 away football shirt with white shorts and socks.

What do you think of the new Reggina 1914 2020-21 home and away shirts? Drop us a line below.