On Pitch: Manchester City 20-21 Third Kit - Shorts Clash?
Manchester City's 20-21 third kit, unveiled in late August, received its on-pitch debut in today's match against Wolves.

While many people were puzzled by the decision to even wear the third kit tonight - the home should have worked out just as well if not better - we're sure it's for marketing reasons. Check out some pictures from before and during the match below.
As pointed out by @museumofjerseys, there's an alternative pair of shorts, which could have prevented the black-navy 'clash' we've seen vs Wolves.
Leaving aside the fact that Manchester City have no need to wear their third kit tonight, they’ve created a shorts clash and offer alternative third shorts - slightly different to the home shorts - for sale but haven’t bothered to wear them. pic.twitter.com/QfA5yG0KVF
— Museum of Jerseys (@museumofjerseys) September 21, 2020

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