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Better? Juventus Logo Concept by ChenzoAr

Graphic artist @ChenzoAr has created an alternative to the 2017 Juventus rebrand that remains controversial to this day.

The Juventus design was created by ChenzoAr during his latest stream on Twitch, part of a rebranding series that already saw him re-do the Atletico badge.

Juventus Logo Concept by ChenzoAr

ChenzoAr's Juventus logo draws inspiration from the both the classic Juve crest and the 'J' badge introduced a few years ago. It stays much closer to the traditional design though and features a similar general concept as well as the black and white stripes and the Bull.

The only element that seems to have made the cut from the new logo is the font used for the 'Juventus' text that sits at the top center of the design.

Are you a fan of this variant of the Juventus logo? Comment below, and make sure to follow ChenzoAr on Twitter and Twitch.