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Andorra 2020-21 Home, Away & Third Kits Released

Andorra's new 20-21 home, away and third jerseys were released today. They are made by Macron.

Andorra Macron 20-21 Home Shirt
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Just like Armenia's a few days ago, the new Andorra 2020-21 kits were produced under the UEFA Kit Assistance Scheme.

Andorra Macron 20-21 Home Shirt

This is the new Macron Andorra home jersey for 20-21.

The Macron Andorra 2020-21 home football shirt features the traditional red, blue and yellow in a clean design with sleek lines and a unique vintage-style collar.

Macron Andorra 2020-2021 Away Kit

Check out Macron's Andorra 20-21 away football shirt below.

The Macron Andorra 2020-21 away shirt brings a very smart look in blue with yellow logos and yellow and red tirm on the collar and sleeve cuffs.

Andorra Macron 2020-21 Third Shirt

This is the new Macron Andorra third shirt for 2020-2021.

Completing the set, the Macron Andorra 2020-21 third shirt is bright yellow with two vertical blue-and-red stripes on the left.

The new Andorra 2020-2021 home, away and third kits are available through Macron's online store, retailing at £63.99.

Andorra Macron 20-21 Home Shirt
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What do you think of the new Andorra 2020-2021 home, away and third shirts? Drop us a line below.