New Rangers Logo Revealed - Men's and Women's Versions?
Update: It seems like Rangers FC has two versions of their brand-new 2020 logo - a lion on the men’s badge and a lioness on the women’s team (@andythephotoDr). We did not find official information on that yet.
Rangers 2020 Logo - Lion On The Men’s Badge And A Lioness On The Women’s Team?
Rangers FC has just unveiled a brand-new logo to be used from next season. The crest redesign is part of a larger update to the club brand, which also includes a new website and app.
"RANGERS Football Club has today unveiled its club brand evolution and digital transformation strategy, through an enhanced suite of unified digital products including the launch of a new industry leading club website and app."
Rangers 2020 Logo
This is updated Rangers 'Ready' logo compared to the old design.
The new logo gently updates the previous design, keeping all the key components that made it unique, while modernizing the look and making it more digitally ready.
First introduced in 1959, the Rangers Ready crest has seen a number of small updates through the years.
It's of course important to note that this logo is just one of two official ones used by the Glasgow club and that it does not appear on the kits, where the alternative logo is used. This second logo, the 'scroll crest' will remain unchanged.

Stewart Robertson, Rangers’ Managing Director, said: “As a leading European club, and in anticipation of our 150th anniversary year, it is important we adapt and continue to evolve."
"As we futureproof our business, a club brand evolution and digital strategy was a fundamental part of our long-term strategic plan and our commitment to be best in class both on and off the park.”
Are you a fan of the Rangers crest redesign? Comment below.