25-26 Kit Overview
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Incredible - This Is How Amazing A Kit Wall Can Look Like

Have you ever thought of showing off your kits on the wall in your apartment or house? If so, there are some traditional method like framing the kit in a standard picture frame or just hang them using a coat hanger. Now Newcastle United fan @MrPaulDredge has shared what he did to present his Newcastle United jerseys.

Frame Football Kits Like Art

Paul Dredge did not just hang his shirts on the wall but attached them on a square white plate, making them look like art.

His collection of iconic Newcastle United shirts looks incredibly good.

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He was not the first with this idea - The Football Shirt Museum used a similar method for a shirt exhibition already some time ago.

There are two quite downsides with this method.

First, the shirts are not protected against UV-lighting and other influences from the environment.

Second, only a small front part of the jerseys is visible.

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Unfortunately, @MrPaulDredge did not share a guide of how to do the same.

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