21 "Rumored 20-21 Kits" Kits By Bleacher Report - Here Is How Accurate Each Set Of Kits Is
Continuing their usually fantastic work during the football free time, Bleacher Report has created not less than 21 renderings featuring next season's kits of 7 different top clubs. We find out how accurate each kit set is.

2020-2021 Kits By Bleacher Report
First, it is important to note that Bleacher Report already created their graphic on May 8 2020, just very shortly before some of next season's kits got leaked (Bayern home + third, Juventus home + third).

However, Bleacher Report's graphics show off that the time for kit releases is near us - since they made the graphic, we were able to get a look at many new 2020-21 kits - more leaks and also the first launches seem to be shortly ahead.
Some of next season's kits featured here got fully leaked already - all of Barcelona's kits, two of PSG (home + third) and one of Chelsea (third).
Arsenal 20-21 Kits - Accuracy 60%
Bayern Munich 20-21 Kits - Accuracy 15%
Barcelona 20-21 Kits - Accuracy 100%
Nike Chelsea 20-21 Kits - Home: Accuracy 65%, Away: Accuracy 65%, Third: Accuracy 100%
Juventus FC Adidas 20-21 Kits - Accuracy 75%
Adidas Man United 2020-2021 Kits - Accuracy 45%
PSG 2020-21 Kits - Accuracy 85%
Which club got the best kits for the 2020-2021 season? Share your thoughts in the comments below and see our 2020-21 Kit Overview for all actual leaks.