1000 €?! Insane Adidas Uniforia Jumbo Ball Released

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Adidas has released a XXL version of its official EURO 2020 match ball, the Uniforia. Introducing the Adidas Uniforia Jumbo.

Adidas Uniforia Jumbo

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The Adidas Uniforia Jumbo is a XXL version of the Official EURO Ball. The Adidas Uniforia Jumbo has a diameter of 80 cm (normal Size 5 soccer ball: 22-23 cm).

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The Adidas Uniforia Jumbo has a 100% polyurethane cover and is hand-stitched.

Adidas Uniforia Jumbo Soccer Ball - Features

  • 80 cm diameter
  • 100% polyurethane cover
  • Larger than standard ball
  • 100% TPU bladder
  • Hand-stitched surface

The Adidas Uniforia Jumbo Football retails at 300 Euro. On Zalanfo, the ball retails at 1000 Euro...

In case you are wondering - Adidas has already released Jumbo balls for previous tournaments.

What do you think of the Uniforia Jumbo Football? Has anyone already bought a Jumbo football from Adidas? Share your thoughts in the comments below.