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Wolves FC Remove Wolf From Club Logo For One Day - Here Is Why

English Premier League side Wolverhampton Wanderers yesterday removed the wolf from the club's badge on their social media channels. Let us find out why.

Wolverhampton Wanderers Remove Wolf In Support Of World Wildlife Day 2020

Wolverhampton Wanderers removed the badge to raise awareness for World Wildlife Day and show support for the endangered Mexican wolf campaign. World Wildlife Day is every year on Tuesday 3rd March.

It is interesting to see how Wolves FC badge looks without the wolf - however, we prefer it with the animal.

"Imagine a world without nature. For one day only the wolf’s absence from the club’s famous badge will raise awareness for the importance of animals in our world."

World Wildlife Day 2020 will celebrate the world’s special wild plants and animals, and raise awareness of the multitude of benefits of wildlife to people, and the threats they are facing.

Wolves’ support for World Wildlife Day mirrors a commitment to helping the WWF in saving the endangered Mexican wolf – a campaign launched with the assistance of Raul Jimenez.

You can learn more about World Wildlife Day here and on Twitter via @WildlifeDay.

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