UPDATE: UEFA EURO 2020 / 2021 Name Decision Not Yet Made

  • Name Decision Pending: UEFA has not yet decided on the official name for the rearranged EURO tournament in 2021.
  • Original Name Initially Confirmed: UEFA initially stated the tournament would retain the name "UEFA EURO 2020" despite being moved to 2021.
  • Tournament Postponed: The UEFA EURO 2020 has been postponed to June 11 - July 11, 2021, and other UEFA competitions are on hold.

Update: UEFA updated their earlier statement to clarify that "no decision has yet been made on the name of the rearranged EURO to be held in 2021."

UEFA today gave some updates regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on its major competitions, in particular about the UEFA EURO 2020. THe EURO celebrates its 60th birthday today.

UEFA EURO 2020 To Be Not Renamed To UEFA EURO 2021

UEFA announced in their FAQ about the Postponement of UEFA EURO 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic that the UEFA EURO 2020 "finals will still be called UEFA EURO 2020". This means that there will be no new logo neither any other visual changes.

UEFA EURO 2020 has been postponed and will now take place between 11 June and 11 July 2021. In addition, all other UEFA competitions, including the 2019/20 UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League, are currently on hold pending further developments.

Check out the full UEFA "FAQ: Postponement of UEFA EURO 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic" for all information.

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