New Iceland KSI Logo Revealed
The Football Association of Iceland yesterday unveiled its new logo and identity.
The KSI logo reveal followed strategic and extensive analysis of KSÍ's marketing work, which was supported, among other things, by UEFA through the GROW project. KSÍ decided to re-brand its brand identity and dual-look KSÍ. Thus, the KSÍ identity will basically be replaced as before - on the one hand the Soccer Union logo and on the other the national team logo. This is a distinction, as the target groups of these two identifiers are often different.
Football Association of Iceland 2020 Logo - New KSÍ Logo
The new KSÍ logo features a more modern and powerful look than the previous one. The colors are also much more saturated - all to "adapt better to KSÍ's varied contact surfaces and stand strong on the field in any digital use that becomes increasingly cumbersome".
"KSÍ's updated logo highlights the movement and power of the football with dense shapes and translucent bevel lines. The mark is in the Icelandic flag colors as the red comma is at the same time the torch of Icelandic football. With a clearer focus and clean design, the logo can now adapt better to KSÍ's varied contact surfaces and stand strong on the field in any digital use that becomes increasingly cumbersome."
The new logo of the Football Federation is appearing for the first time on various documents published in connection with the KSÍ Annual Conference, which will take place in Ólafsvík on February 22.

The new logo for Iceland's national teams will be presented in spring.
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