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Impeccable Work: 49 Reimagined Premier League Logos By Daniel Norris

Update: We noticed that this article about Daniel Norris' reimagined logos for all 49 clubs that have played in the Premier League was incomplete up until now. Additionally, we added a few more pictures to make the experience more visually pleasing. Enjoy the nostalgia.

Graphic designer Dan K Norris has reimagined the crests of all teams that have been in the English Premier League since 1992 - the result are 49 logos that merge classic with modern elements from each club's logo history.

Reimagined Premier League Logos By Dan K Norris

@DanKNorris took inspiration from the history of each team's crest and merged together different logos of the classic crests of each club. Those logos would perfectly fit on a poster, and we can also well imagine to see them on retro kits.

Share your thoughts in the comments below and give @DanKNorris a follow on Twitter to see more of his work.