No More Chevrolet - Manchester United To Sign Haier Kit Sponsor Deal
Manchester United 'edging closer to world record £70m-a-year shirt sponsorship deal with Chinese company Haier.

United's current £64m-a-year deal with Chevrolet, which was signed in 2014, is poised to expire in 2021.
Haier Group Corporation is a Chinese-based home appliances and consumer electronics company. It designs, develops, manufactures and sells products including refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, microwave ovens, mobile phones, computers, and televisions. It owns many brands, including Hoover.
Hoover Logo To Feature On Manchester United Kits?
As reported by The Sun, Manchester United have held extensive talks with Haier. It is expected that Haier would put one of their brands on the front of the shirt, most likely Hoover.
Haier would be eager to replace Chevrolet - Senior representatives of the company having been in the United Kingdom since last week.
Manchester United are determined to show that they are still a major force in a commercial sense despite their struggles on the pitch in recent years.
The club declined to comment.
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