unreadable. Lille Forced To Shrink Sponsor Logo Because Of UEFA Kit Rules

If you watched yesterday's UEFA Champions League match between French side Lille and English side Chelsea, you might have had wondered about the OSC Lille sponsor logo on the front...

Lille 2019-2020 UEFA Champions League Kits Feature Smaller Sponsor Logo

The reason why Lille had to change the size of their sponsor logo is simple. Football government body UEFA has regulations for all parts of a football kit, including the sponsor logos. Mainly because of this the writing of Lille's sponsor Boulanger had to be very small...

The rule about the sizing of the sponsor logo in UEFA competitions is defined in Article 28 and Article 52 of the UEFA Equipment regulations. The sponsor logo is not allowed to exceed 200 cm² (Article 28), and if the sponsor logo contains more than one item there is a special formula to define the allowed size of the elements.

Of course, there would have been different solutions for Lille and its sponsor - in example, they could have decided to ditch the logo or lettering / change the alignment of the elements.

In case you were wondering - the UEFA rule also applies to manufacturers logos.

The current UEFA kit regulations were introduced in September 2018. They are valid from the 2019-2020 season - the rule about the size of the sponsor logos has been more or less the same since many years.

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Should they have removed the lettering Boulanger? Share your thoughts in the comments below.