LEAKED: Here Is What Nike Pays Cristiano Ronaldo
In 2016, Nike and Cristiano Ronaldo announced that they extended their long-standing and successful partnership. Now it has been revealed how much the Nike CR7 deal is worth.

This news comes from a pre-print of the current issue of German news weekly SPIEGEL, which has published excerpts from the new book "Football Leaks 2 - New Revelations from the World of Professional Football".
"I have a great relationship with the brand and good friends in the company," CR7 said about Nike during his "golden" contract renewal in 2016. "We're a family, that's my brand."
Cristiano Ronaldo Receives 16 Million Euro / Year For 10-Year Nike Deal Signed in 2016
Cristiano Ronaldo is to receive 162 million Euro for 10 years (16 million Euro / year) from the US sporting goods group Nike as advertising partner. This is the result of a draft contract between Nike and Polaris Sports Limited in Dublin, which owns the worldwide marketing rights of the professional soccer player.
The Portuguese superstar's agreement with Nike is scheduled to run from September 2016 to mid-2026.
However, the 16 million per year limit is not the limit of what CR7 can get from Nike. If Cristiano Ronaldo wins the FIFA World Player Of The Year award, he will receive an additional four million per year from Nike.
Polaris Sports did not respond to a request for a statement. Ronaldos consultant Jorge Mendes and his agency Gestifute did not comment. The company Nike said on request: "We do not comment on contracts with athletes".
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