Newcastle Jets 2019 RAAF Jersey Released
Besides the Crystal Palace-esque ACL kits, Australian club Newcastle Jets also launched a new RAAF Jersey, continuing the tradition started in 2015.

Made by local brand Viva, the kit will be worn exclusively for the RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) Round, held on March 13 this year. The club initiated this custom in 2015 to pay tribute to the RAAF Base Williamtown, which is situated close to Newcastle and is Australia's main fighter pilot training base. As part of the RAAF Round, free tickets will be made available for employees of the base.
Newcastle Jets 2019 RAAF Kit
This is the Newcastle Jets 2019 Air Force shirt.
The Newcastle Jets 2019 RAAF football shirt is dark blue with a camouflage pattern and red and gold accents, in the form of the collar, which is red, and the sleeve cuffs. The Viva logo is gold, while the gold/red A League badge fits in neatly with the rest of the design.
Shorts and socks in the same colors are expected to complete the kit.
Bold as bold can be. What do you think of the Newcastle Jets Air Force jersey? Let us know in the comments below.