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Real Madrid Crest Concept by Julio E

Last week's reveal of the new Barcelona logo again fueled a debate about modern football around the whole world. Today, we've prepared a rather classic Real Madrid logo concept to show off how the logo could change for the better.

Simplified Real Madrid Logo Concept

This image shows off the old and (imagined) new Real Madrid logo.

Most importantly, the fantasy Real Madrid badge concept gives up the borders around almost every element of the Real Madrid badge, except the blue diagonal rectangle inside the yellow circle, whichalso doesn't have a border at the moment, too. Also, for the Real Madrid logo concept the crown on top of the circle is enlarged and the old yellow is replaced by a more vibrant shade of yellow.

Overall, the Real Madrid logo concept by Julio E follows a simple as well as self-explaining pattern. To raise brand awareness, clubs and their sponsors insist on simplifying classic and elegant badges to reach a wider audience and be more attractive to brand deals.

Do you like the way modern football is developing? Can you imagine every top-tier team dropping its renowned badge within the next few years? If so, how do you feel about this (possible) development? Leave us your thoughts in the comments down below.