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Evolution of the UEFA Champions League Patch

With the Champions League group stage beginning today, we take a look at the complete history of UEFA's official Champions League patch, which exists since the season 1992-93. Thanks to Classic Football Shirts for the images.

How the UEFA Champions League patch evolved throughout the years

This image shows all 9 different versions of the UEFA Champions League patch.

In the Champions League season 1992-93, UEFA went with a rectangular patch, which consisted of the famous Champions League stars forming the shape of a football, while the writing 'Champions League 92-93' rounds off the design for both the black as well as white version. In the year after, the UEFA just slightly changed the size of the different components, whereas the season 1994-95 experienced a more concrete change with the outer shape being changed to a star instead of a rectangle for the white version.

However, for the Champions League final 1995 and the following season the UEFA introduced a circular shape and gave up the writing, making it the iconic UEFA Champions League patch we know today. In the years after, only changes to the black stars, white background as well as the border were made, while the patch retained its infamous circular shape.

The original article about the UEFA Champions League badges was published in September 2018. We added a few new pictures for this update.

Did you enjoy the throwback? Make sure to tell us which patch you like the most in the comments down below!