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All-New Serie A Logo Revealed

Italian Serie A today revealed an all-new logo, which will be used in 2018-2019 season and beyond. Thanks to the renewal of the partnership with TIM, the longest sponsorship of a sports league, it will once again be Serie A TIM.

All-New Italian Serie A Logo

This is the new logo of Italian Serie A.

The new Serie A TIM puts the centrality to the 'A', "a universally distinctive element of the League and our most important competition." According to the press release, "it encloses the colors of the Italian flag in the simplicity and symmetry of the forms, the prestige of gold and the authority of the "A", reaffirming the solid and renewed relationship with TIM."

Old logo of the Serie A

The restyling of the Serie A logo is part of a complex project of restyling the Lega Serie A brands and its competitions - The brands of the other competitions (Coppa Italia, Supercoppa and Primavera competitions, the latter again combined with TIM) have been also updated with a similar concept as the Serie A logo.

What do you think of the new Italian Serie A logo? Let us know in the comments below.