Sevilla Player Pizarro Causes Controversy with CR7 Shinpads
Sevilla and Argentina midfielder Guido Pizarro caused controversy this weekend in Spain after dressing room footage revealed that he had worn CR7-branded shinpads in the Real Madrid - Sevilla game on Saturday, which his team lost 5-0.
When he tried to explain the situation, it only made everything worse. Here's a recap of the whole story.
It all started when Spanish TV channel Gol shared a video from the Sevilla dressing room prior to the game against Real Madrid, showing Pizarro's kit next to pink CR7-branded shinpads.
When Pizarro was confronted with the story, the midfielder uploaded a picture of what he said are his pads. "They broke at the last minute and I had to get some new ones. I'm sorry if anyone was offended."
Para evitar malos entendidos, estas son mis espinilleras. A último momento se rompieron y me consiguieron unas. Si alguien se sintió afectado pido disculpas ya que se merecen todo el respeto. @SevillaFC
— Guido Pizarro (@guido19pizarro) 9. Dezember 2017
Finally, Twitter user @renaldinhos, who says it took him just five minutes, reviewed a few pregame videos on Sevilla's own YouTube channel which show that Pizarro was already wearing the shinpads for Sevilla's previous two away games against Barcelona and Villarreal.
1 - GoL: Pizarro con las espinilleras de Cristiano antes de jugar en el Bernabéu.
— David Mosquera (@renaldinhos) 9. Dezember 2017
2 - Pizarro: Se disculpa y dice que las suyas "se rompieron a último momento".
3 y 4 - Youtube Sevilla: Pizarro con las espinilleras de Cristiano antes de jugar en el Madrigal y en el Camp Nou.
Since then, the whole controversy has cooled down a bit but it's a funny little story nonetheless.
Do you think professionals should be more sensitive in things like this? Drop us a line below.