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Ramsey to Join Adidas or Nike?

Update: Arsenal's Aaron Ramsey has switched back to the Adidas Predator 18.1 football boots after he laced up in the Nike Hypervenom Phantom III DF pack from the Fire & Ice pack some weeks ago. It is not possible to say yet if he will officially join the Three Stripes, even though that option seems most likely currently.

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No More Nike - Aaron Ramsey Returns to Adidas Predator Boots

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Having worn the Adidas Predator 18 football boots most recently, Arsenal midfielder Aaron Ramsey switched to the Nike Hypervenom Phantom III DF in training yesterday and confirmed this choice in the away against Southampton today. Thanks to @dalep11 for the heads-up.

Ramsey to Join Nike?

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Ramsey, who had been signed to New Balance previously, was suspected to have already penned a new deal with Adidas, which was his brand prior to moving to NB.

However, this latest switch to the 'Fire Pack' Nike Hypervenom Phantom 3 cleats suggest that nothing's been decided yet.

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We'll make sure to keep an eye on this as the story evolves. Stay tuned for updates.

Adidas or Nike - which brand do you think Ramsey will end up with permanently? Drop us a line below.