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ESTAC Troyes 17-18 Ligue 1 Home & Away Kits Released

Newly promoted Ligue 1 Conforama club ESTAC Troyes this afternoon revealed their new home and away shirts for the 2017-2018 season. Made for fourth time by Kappa, the new ESTAC Troyes 2017-18 shirts again introduce bespoke designs.

Troyes 2017-18 Home Jersey

This is the new ESTAC Troyes 17-18 home kit.

The new ESTAC Troyes 17-18 home kit combines two different shades of blue with white applications. The right side of the shirt is royal blue (ESTAC blue), while the left side is marine blue, inspired by the color of the first professional clubs from Troyes, ASTS. The half-and-half design is connected with a unique graphic pattern, inspired by the coat of arms of the Champagne region.

On the back under the collar is the Champagne region slogan "Passe avant le meilleur" ("Pass before the best").

Royal blue shorts with a white centered stripe on each side and royal blue socks complete the new ESTAC home kit.

ESTAC Troyes 17-18 Away Kit

The new ESTAC 17-18 Ligue 1 Conforama away kit is mainly white.

Mainly white, the new ESTAC Troyes 17-18 away kit boasts a bold blue and golden design on the front, inspired by the coat of arms of the Champagne region.

Coat of arms of the Champagne region

The new ESTAC Troyes 2017-18 third jersey will be unveiled after the start of the season, 'for specific reasons that will be revealed at the time of presentation'.

What do you think of the ESTAC Troyes kits for the 2017-18 Ligue 1 season? Let us know in the comments below.