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Purple Adidas Glitch Corrozone Leather Skin Released

This morning, Adidas has launched yet another Glitch outer skin, the fourth of the Corrozone collection and the 18th overall. The new Adidas Glitch skin combines a purplish blue with black accents.

Adidas Glitch 17 - Purple / Black

This image shows the purple Adidas Glitch Corrozone football boot.

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The first leather option in the Corrozone pack, the new Adidas Glitch is predominantly coated in a dark blue / purple, with a black collar and lateral Adidas stripes in the same color.

Tech-wise, the Adidas Glitch Corrozone cleats combine the Glitch's trademark four-way stretch techfit upper with a bit of leather in the forefoot part.

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Adidas Glitch Outer Skin - Features

  • Techfit compression upper
  • Non-Stop Grip (NSG) texture
  • Lightweight Sprintframe outsole
  • Has to be combined with fitting inner shoe
  • Price: £100

Available exclusively in the UK, the purple Adidas Glitch leather skin retails at £100 and has to be used together with one of the different inner shoes that are available at £150.

What are your thoughts on the latest addition to the Adidas Glitch family? Drop us a line below.