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The Nike Academy Is History

Nike have decided that the Nike Academy will not be continued beyond the current season, Nike Academy coach Jon Goodman announced on Facebook. The Nike Academy, which was started in June 2009, has elevated many young footballers from the depths of obscurity.

Players could originally gain a place in the Nike Academy in trials known as The Chance, while players since 2014 have to use the Nike Football app to register for one of its Most Wanted events. The Nike Football app has been not updated since several months.

"My hunger to win Nike's Most Wanted was driven by my lifelong dream to become a professional footballer," said Tom Rogic in 2014. "My experience through [Nike's Most Wanted] was unreal and lived up to every expectation I had. I wouldn't have had this chance at my dream without it."

Nike Academy to End After This Season

The Nike Academy was Nike's full-time, pro-level training programme at St George's Park.

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Nike Academy is Nike's full-time pro training programme at England's St George's Park. 63 total players have signed contracts since its establishment, with the most poplar one Australia international Tom Rogic.

Jon Goodman said on Facebook: "Hi all Sadly, after 8 years of continued development and success, Nike have decided that the Nike Academy will not continue beyond this season. It has been a real honour being involved in this unique program since its launch in June 2009 and also to have been manager for the past 3 seasons. Many thanks for all your positive support of this program over the years and for such great memories!"

What do you think of Nike's decision to the Nike Academy? Share your thoughts in the comments below.