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Arsenal Won't Sign Sleeve Sponsor

Arsenal will not have a sleeve sponsor on next season's kits, news agency Bloomberg revealed. Manchester City yesterday became the first Premier League team ever to sign a sleeve sponsorship deal.

FLy Emirates Deal Does Not Allow Arsenal to Have a Sleeve Sponsor

Arsenal's kit will feature the league patch on both sleeves next season, just as this year.

Arsenal's current deal with Fly Emirates, which was signed back in 2012 and will run until the end of the 2018-19 season, does not allow the club to have a extra sponsor on the sleeves. The Fly Emirates deal also prevents Arsenal to have a special training shirt sponsor.

In contrast to Arsenal, Chelsea could have a sleeve sponsor next season, even though it is not clear yet if the deal allows them to have one. According to people familiar with the clubs' marketing strategies, Chelsea is currently examining its contract with Yokohama Tires.

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