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National Team Kits to Feature European Flag?

A few days ago, a document drawn up by a European Parliament's committee on culture and education made the headlines across Europe's biggest newspapers. The document amongst other contains a plan that suggests national teams to add the European flag on their uniforms. Will we soon see the European flag on Germany's, Italy's and Spain's kits?

EU Encourages National Sports Bodies to Use EU Flag and Symbol

This is how the Germany kit could look like with the EU flag.

While newspapers such as the Daily Mail headlined that the new plan could force teams to display European flags on shirts and in stadiums, the report by the EU only encourages national sports bodies to 'use the EU flag and symbol, together with individual flags and national symbols' during sporting events in which member states are involved. It adds that major sports events 'provide a great opportunity for organised sports to promote positive values' and as a 'driver for tourism and local businesses'.

If a national sporting federation would follow EU's plans, they would display the EU's logos on their jerseys, similar to above illustration. It would also mean that national flags are displayed around a stadium.

Critics described the plan as 'daft' and said it was a blatant attempt by officials in Brussels to impose a European identity on the individual countries who make up the EU. However, the report was overwhelmingly approved by the European Parliament yesterday and will be passed to the EU's executive arm to consider drawing the requirement into legislation.

Do you think that any football federation will decide to add the European flag on their kit? Let us also know if you would like that in the comments.